progressive progress report

So I know I said I was going to update as much as often as possible and then proceeded to lay dormant...but I was actually busy and couldn't update!
I am in the process of shooting a music video for an awesome band called YAWN.
They hail from Chicago and I recently returned from the windy snowy coldy city after filming components of the video.
They are amazing and I am honored to be working with them. head over to their website to download their fantastic EP for FREE!!!

here's a video of them performing 'Kind of Guy' the song the video is for:

here's some pictures:

back to the grind
a constellation
pin couch

a mike rios in it's natural habitat
i think we are floating

check out friend's with benefits for some shots of the actual shoot:

This is going to be very cool I will keep updating as the thing mutates.